About Team Hindsight

We are a bunch of guys (and girls) who love playing ArmA 3.  

We will play almost any game mode - just as long as we all have fun.

That is the key. No serious GI Joe stuff - just fun.

No team meetings, no clan get-togethers, no training events - just FUN!  If that sounds like your kind of action - jump on in and join us.

StandBy for Classic Kapitol Gaming Action from Team Hindsight!

Well? What are you waiting for, join us and get down to business.

Here are some in-game names you will get to know very quickly.
VUDU, this guy provides comic relief, a bit like a baby's ass & sandpaper - tough love.
OZPAX - the world's worst Admin. Make sure you NEVER get in a vehicle with this guy.
Bishop - in the running for the world's worst Admin, but far too forgiving to be really considered. Helps out new players, nobody knows why.
Fonse - you will know him cos he is likely to kill you, more than once. 
Woope, Fitzy, Bretto, BK, all great guys who you will enjoy interacting with.  

Kapitol Gaming - Server Information

DayZ & ArmA 3  | Game Servers

Join the Kapitol Gaming ArmA 3 Game Servers. You will need the PC game - ArmA 3 to play this game.

lif.aushost.gg:26220       Escape Mission Server      DayZ  Server Banov

You may also need to download the appropriate Map/DLC or Mods for each server.

You can also download the Mod Set for each game server from within Discord! See the Server Mod List Channel.

NOTE! Please join Kapitol Gaming Discord to play on this server.

& A3

GoldenEye - Source 

GoldenEye: Source is an online multiplayer arena first-person shooter that aims to provide a faithful recreation of the classic N64 title GoldenEye 007’s multiplayer with refined gameplay, high definition graphics and sound.

Over 10 years in the making, GE:S has had many talented developers working to bring you quality content at no cost to you. 25 maps, 10 game modes, and all 28 weapons from the original await you in this faithful recreation of GoldenEye on the Source engine.

With its own unique mix of retro and modern style, GoldenEye: Source aims to appeal to fans of the original as well as anyone looking for an enjoyable multiplayer Free For All shooter



Kapitol Gaming Discord

Due to the nature of the missions that we play - it is requested that you join our Discord Server so we can stay in touch during the missions.  

If you do not wish to join Discord - please do not join the game server.  

If you do join the game server/mission we will ask you to join us in Discord - if you do not respond or refuse to join the Kapitol Gaming Discord - you may be kicked from the server.



OZPAX on Twitch

Often I stream Arma3 - Escape  on Twitch. You are welcome to pop into the channel and say hello & check out the in-game action.

Viewers are welcome to join the server and join in the action. Check out the links on this page and don't forget to join Discord.

Go into the OZPAX-TWITCH: Waiting Room and give me a message in chat so I can drag you into the live stream channel.

